
Sayembara Lisan Indonesian Speaking Competition

Sayembara Lisan is an annual Indonesian speaking competition that is held every year between schools in Victoria. Participating students are divided into three categories:

  • Level 1 – Prep, Year 1 and Year 2
  • Level 2 – Year 3 and Year 4
  • Level 3 – Year 5 and Year 6

Information about the Sayembara Lisan and process was published in the first week of term on Compass. Please note the following summary: 

  • Students invited to express interest in participating by Monday 22 April. Students who have participated in the past competitions are encouraged to join again this year.
  • Informal Interview Rounds at school: Tuesday 23 April to Friday 26 April. 
    Year 1 to 6 students who have expressed interested in participating. 
  • First round of Sayembara Lisan:  Wednesday 15 May to Friday 31 May. Venue to be confirmed.
    Students successful during the interview rounds participate. Practice sessions at lunchtime will be supervised by the Indonesian teacher in preparation for the first round. A copy of the competition materials will be provided to practise at home. First Round information will be published on Compass.  
  • Finals:  Saturday 27 July
  • Award Night:  Friday 9 August 


I have enjoyed interviewing the students during this week and seeing them showcasing their Indonesian skills. 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email. 

Bu Gladys