Year 6

Year 7 2025

School Tours

In preparation for starting in Year 7 next year, parents/guardians of Year 6 students who will be attending a Victorian government secondary school are encouraged to visit and tour schools of interest to assist making an informed decision regarding your child's Year 7 placement. Refer to the Community Noticeboard page of this newsletter for some school tour information. A copy of the Catholic Schools Guide (Melbourne Secondary Schools Edition) is available from Office reception or from Renée Dare (6D teacher) if you are considering this option.


Application for Year 7 Placement 2025 

All families of Year 6 students were provided with their child's Application for Year 7 Placement 2025 form in the first week of this term, and a Compass message was sent that included a link to the parent/carer pack that includes all the information required, including the timeline. 

Return the completed form to your child's teacher not later than Friday 10 May

Survivor Day

During the first week back in Term 2, Year 6 students participated in another ‘Survivor Day’, where they participated in a series of team challenges which required collaboration, problem solving skills and persistence. Challenges included the human knot challenge, replicating a Lego model and an icebreaker t-shirt challenge. It was wonderful to see students display leadership, clear communication and support for one another throughout the day.

Pink Stumps Day

The much anticipated Pink Stumps Day teachers vs. Year 6 students cricket match was held today, Friday 26 April. Although the teachers ultimately ended up winning, it was a close game and great sportsmanship was shown by all.  Thank you to the whole school community for participating in the day by wearing pink gear and bringing donations to support the McGrath Foundation. We raised over $600 as a school community! A special thanks to Miss Boles for organising the day and all the staff for participating in the match and/or bringing their classes down to watch the match. We would also like to thank the PFC for their generous donation of lollies for all the students as a special treat after the game!