Student Activities


Students of all classes have recently been undertaking the “Be Ahead of the Game” program based around helping youth navigate the considerable risks associated with gambling and gaming. In this program, students have learned about the risks of gambling, its effect on their financial security, as well as being able to identify examples of gambling popping up in everyday activities, such as advertisements and gaming.



Orange Class Cooking

Orange group have been cooking up culinary delights such as honey chicken, baguettes and sushi that would put Gordon Ramsay to shame. Taking on the head chef, sou chef and serving rolls has been a challenge the students have taken in stride and have successfully achieved amazing results for all to enjoy.  



Purple Class Culinary Creations: A Taste of Collaboration and Learning

Throughout Term One, the students of the Purple Class have been stirring up excitement in the College kitchen every Monday as part of their PDS Curriculum Project. This initiative has not only filled our school with delicious aromas but has also provided invaluable learning experiences for all involved.

Every Monday, the Purple Class students put their culinary creativity to the test by planning and cooking meals for the entire College community. From brainstorming ideas to shopping for ingredients, they take charge of every aspect of the cooking process. This hands-on approach allows them to develop important skills in teamwork, organisation, and decision-making.

Upon returning to the College with their ingredients, the class divides into cooking, serving, and cleaning groups, ensuring that each student gets a chance to participate in every aspect of meal preparation and service. This rotation system gives everyone an opportunity to experience the different roles involved in running a kitchen efficiently.

The menu for these Monday meals has been nothing short of impressive, featuring a diverse range of dishes such as cheesy pasta, loaded wedges, and even a mouth-watering charcuterie board. Each dish reflects the students' creativity and enthusiasm for cooking.

Excitingly, the Purple Class will continue this culinary adventure into Term Two, further solidifying their commitment to their PDS Curriculum Project. By continuing this initiative, they will not only refine their culinary skills but also foster a sense of community and collaboration within the College.

We applaud the Purple Class for their dedication to cooking, learning, and sharing delicious meals with us all. Their Monday culinary creations have truly been a highlight of Term One, and we eagerly anticipate what they have in store for us in the coming weeks.


Blue Class Cooking

Blue Group have been cooking for the school every Tuesday. The class brainstorms what meals that would like to cook in the morning, considering how expensive their potential meal would be and whether they’d be able to feed the entire school within the budget. Our students have shown great teamwork skills working together to achieve these objectives, making homemade pizza, pasta and savoury options for their fellow students.



Sexual Health Victoria

Over the last three Thursday’s, each class embarked on an insightful excursion to Sexual Health Victoria, an institution dedicated to providing crucial information and services related to sexual health. This excursion aimed to equip our students with the necessary knowledge to navigate healthcare confidently and responsibly, particularly concerning sexual health matters.

One of the primary focuses of our visit was on accessing health services, including exploring pregnancy options. Students were provided with comprehensive information to empower them to take charge of their own health. Understanding how to access healthcare services, especially regarding sexual health, is essential for every individual's well-being.

Safer sex practices, contraception, and sexually transmissible infections (STIs) were also key topics discussed during our excursion. Students gained insights into the various contraception options available and learned about the detection and treatment of STIs. This knowledge is crucial for making informed decisions regarding sexual health and well-being.

Furthermore, our visit included discussions on healthy relationships and the laws and ethics of sexual consent. Respect, consent, mutuality, and communication were highlighted as essential elements of healthy interpersonal relationships. Students learned to recognise unhealthy relationship dynamics and were provided with pathways for seeking help if needed.

Another significant aspect covered during our excursion was young people's sexual and reproductive health. The importance of regular health checks and common sexual health concerns were emphasized to prepare students for managing their sexual health effectively as they transition into adulthood.

Overall, the excursion to Sexual Health Victoria was incredibly informative and empowering for our students. It equipped them with valuable knowledge and resources to make informed decisions regarding their sexual health and well-being. We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in such an educational experience and look forward to applying the knowledge gained in our daily lives.


Ambassador Day Number 2

Students attended and participated in their second Student Ambassador’s Day at Whittlesea Tech School supported by Skunk Control.


Our students sketched various leaf and petal designs onto a template. They chose their favourite design and made multiple copies. They assembled the "flower head" and attached the petals. Each student was required to select a colour swatch featuring transparent and translucent colours for their design and the finished products were unique flowers reflecting student’s individual tastes, contributing to a collaborative "garden" alongside other species.


Great work from Eric, Sebastian, and Matilda.