Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 1, Term 2


🗓️ Upcoming Dates: 

Monday 15th April: First day of Term 2 

Wednesday 17th April: Parent Teacher Interviews (see communication regarding times)

Thursday 18th April: Parent Teacher Interviews (see communication regarding times)

Monday  22nd April: Whole School Cross Country 

Thursday 25th April: ANZAC Day public holiday

Friday 26th April: Curriculum Day


🍁 Welcome back to Term 2!

We hope you had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the time spent with your family. We are looking forward to an action packed term 2!


A reminder about the Golden 10 Minutes - 8.50 - 9am

💛 The 'Golden 10' is a valuable time to quickly touch base with your child's teacher to let us know if there have been any issues with your child overnight that may impact their day. 


💛 If you require more time than a quick handover, we ask that you make a time to meet with us after school, where we can give you our attention without interruptions due to the busyness of the morning. 


💛 Term 2 is a busy term of learning and we will be starting Reading Groups at 9am. We kindly ask that parents refrain from entering the classroom now, and that you allow your  child's teacher to greet them at the door and assist them to independently prepare for the day. After a goodbye hug has occurred, we also ask for your understanding in moving away from classroom doors, as this removes temptation for your child to run after you.


After School Yard Duty

If you are wanting to talk to your child's teacher after school please be aware that we may have after school yard duty. On these days, we need to be out of the classroom quickly to get up to the gate to supervise children as they leave the school grounds. We have listed our yard duty below, when we will be at the top gate (you are welcome to chat with us there)! 

Monday & Wednesday: Elle 

Tuesday: Nat 

Thursday & Friday: Julie 

If your child is waiting to be picked up on a day your child's teacher has yard duty, they will be waiting with another Prep teacher. 


📰 News Groups

Information about News Groups was emailed home earlier in the week, but we have included the roster here for your reference. News Groups will start in Week 3.



📚 Reading 

The comprehension focus is 'Questioning' and wondering about stories and characters. Students will listen to a mentor text and record questions, sequence the story and revise high frequency words and the vowel sounds taught so far.


What can you do at home?

-Get back into the swing of daily reading and remember to remind your child to bring the book pocket each day.

-Read to your child at bedtime. Ask them about character, setting, problem and solution in the story.


🔡 Phonics 

Students will learn about the letter 'd' its sound. They will learn the cued articulation and brainstorm words that begin with 'd'.

Students will decode CVC words and complete related activities. 


What you can do at home?

-Ask your child to show you the cued articulation for 'd' and the sound it makes.

-Discuss words that start with 'd' , and the words that contain this sounds. 


📝 Writing 

Students will dive into some autumn writing and explore lots of interesting vocabulary to describe our (favourite!) season. 

Students will focus on handwriting, particularly the letters 'a' and 'd'.


What can you do at home?

-Help your child to write their name in 'school' writing - a capital letter followed by lower case letters. 

-Help your child to develop their pencil grip / pinch. See the images below as a guide.

-If your child enjoys writing at home, encourage correct formation of letters (particularly focussing on 'entry and exit' points - where the letter starts and finishes)


🔢  Maths 

Students will build on their knowledge of counting forward and 'more', by counting from different starting points other than zero. They will also be introduced to the concept of addition by seeing how a number grows and engaging in play based learning experiences (please note: at this stage, we don't use the addition symbol).


What can you do at home? 

-Continue to count collections with 1-1 counting.

-Count from different starting points, other than zero. 


🌏 CBL - Country

Our Big Idea this term is Country. 

Our Guiding Questions are:

-What is Country?

-Who and what lives on Country?

-How does the environment affect life on Country? 

Our Essential Question is

-How do we show our understanding of Country?

Our Challenge is

Celebrate Country by re-imagining the Prep Garden


This week, we will watch a 'proposal' movie and think about the wondering we have about Country.



Students will think about their feelings. The focus is on naming feelings, and helping students to recognise and embrace positive and negative feelings.