Mrs Robyn Wilson - MaST - Mathematics Specialised Teacher
Lets see what Infants are doing in Maths this term.
The below table gives an indication when Mrs Nichols will be teaching these Maths lessons.
Week 1
give and follow simple directions to position themselves or objects
describe the position of an object in relation to another object, such as in, on, under as well as the directions up and down
use the ordinal names (first second third) to describe order of position
begin to describe the positions of objects in relation to themselves using the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’
Weeks 2-4
Whole Numbers
count forwards to at least 30 and state the number after or before
identify and distinguish the ‘teen’ numbers from multiples of ten with the same initial sounds (13 and 30)
count backwards from a given number 20 or less
identify the number before as 'one less' and the number after as 'one more’ than a given number
Week 5
2D Area
make closed shapes and identify the attribute of area as the measure of the amount of surface
use comparative language to describe areas (larger smaller)
predict which of two surfaces will have the larger area and justify the answer
compare areas of two similar shapes directly by drawing, tracing, or cutting and pasting
Weeks 6-7
identify situations in which addition and subtraction may be applied
combine two or more groups of objects to model addition, identifying the relationship between the parts and the whole
separate and take away part of a group of objects to model subtraction
use concrete materials or fingers to model and solve addition and subtraction questions, counting forwards or backwards by ones as necessary
compare two groups of objects to determine how many more
Week 8
3D Objects
describe the features of familiar objects
sort objects and identify the attribute used to sort them
make and describe a variety of three-dimensional models
predict the stacking capabilities of various three-dimensional objects
Weeks 9-10
create the layout of an analog clock
read analog and digital clocks to the hour using the term ‘o'clock’
describe the position of the hour and minute hands on an analog clock when reading hour time
Stage 1- The below table gives an indication when Mrs Crane will be teaching these Maths lessons.
Term 2
Week 1
give and follow instructions to position objects in models and drawings
give and follow directions, including directions involving turns to the left and right, to move between familiar locations
describe the path from one location to another on drawings and diagrams
make simple models from memory, photographs, drawings or descriptions
interpret simple maps by identifying objects in different locations
create a path from one location to another
Weeks 2-4
record number sentences in a variety of ways using drawings, words, numerals and symbols
fluently use advanced count-by-one strategies including counting on and counting back to solve addition and subtraction problems involving one- and two-digit numbers
recognise, recall and record combinations of two numbers that add up or bond to form 10
create, recall and recognise combinations of two numbers that add up to numbers less than 10
use non-count-by-one strategies such as using doubles for near doubles and combining numbers that add to ten
create, record and recognise combinations of two numbers that add to numbers from 11 up to and including 20
create, model and solve word problems, using number sentences
use number bonds to determine a missing number
use number knowledge to solve related problems
Week 5
use concrete materials to model both half and quarters of a whole length, highlighting the length
identify two equal lengths and the relationship of the parts to the whole length, linking words and images
recognise when lengths have or have not been divided into halves and quarters
use materials to model an eighth of a whole length, highlighting the length
recognise when a length is divided into eight equal parts
Weeks 6-8
create, model and solve word problems, using number sentences
represent the difference between two numbers using concrete materials and diagrams
represent a constant difference between pairs of numbers
select and apply strategies using number bonds to solve addition and subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers by partitioning numbers using quantity value and bridging to 10
Weeks 9-10
identify possible outcomes of familiar activities and events
describe the chance of possible outcomes for familiar activities and events
describe possible outcomes in everyday activities and events as being likely or unlikely to happen
compare familiar activities and events and describe them as being more or less likely to happen (Reasoning about relations)