Principal's Report
It is hard to believe 9 weeks have gone by since we started Term 1. Congratulations to all our students and staff on a great term, especially our amazing little Foundation students who have settled beautifully into school life. We are so proud of everyone! I would also like to give a special shout out to you – our wonderful parents and carers for continuing to work with us, supporting us, and the positive energy you bring to our school community. We feel our connection continuing to grow from strength to even stronger and we look forward to a great Term 2 (and beyond) together.
2024 Handbook for parents is well in progress. Unfortunately, we are not meeting our deadline for distribution this week. We have had a hold up with printing and I can’t wait to get it out to you in week 1 next term. We are also in the process of updating our website (a whole new look coming), we anticipate this will go live in Week 1, Term 2. We are very excited!
This week we held our Annual General Meeting with new, returning, and existing school council members. I am very elated to announce the following council positions and sub-committees.
- Dave Long – School Council President
- Sam Pereira – Vice President
- Clinton Hill – Treasurer
- Sub-committees- Buildings, Grounds and Finance – Clinton Hill, Billy Gardner, Phil Dennis, Ann Dwyer, Leanne Ross, Marina Milich
- Fundraising Elisia Nichol, Michelle Lyons, Emma Charlton - there will be more information to come out to parents interested in joining this group in raising funds for the school.
We are really pleased to share we raised $3420.35 from our Easter Raffle. Thank you to all who contributed items to the raffle and those who purchased tickets (community, wider community, extended family members and friends). These funds are the first allocation to our school grounds improvement plan which we look forward to sharing with the school community for consultation once it is finalised.
This week we launched our Foundation 2025 promotional information – school information session and school tour times. I spent some time visiting our local kindergartens to distribute flyers, invitations to attend and schedule visits for our Creature Crawls program for kinder children. You, our school community are our best mode of promotion, with the insights to share first hand experiences with our wonderful school. If you have friends or relatives with children starting school next year, please encourage them to attend our information night/school tours.
We have a number of events coming up next term, please keep a close eye on the calendar. For now, I wish you all a happy and safe Easter break. Please take advantage of the lovely weather and utilise our school grounds for play dates or family picnics. If you see any inappropriate activity, please report this to the police. Happy Easter!