Parents' voice

See you on Sunday!

CJC will hold our annual Garage Sale this Sunday from 9.3am – 2pm.  There will be bargains galore from all our stallholders and student businesses. The PC will also hold a 2nd Hand Uniform Stall and sell cakes, sausages and Popcorn too. Please come down and browse the stalls to support your school and its community.   A cake pack envelope was sent home with your eldest child this week. Noting that the there is a change to the cake drop off procedures this year. Cakes can be dropped to a home near the school on Saturday or to the event on the Sunday. . Are you able to volunteer on the day to sell cakes and cook the BBQ? Please sign up here if you are able to help: Garage Sale Volunteer roster .docx


The Parent’s Committee will hold our Annual General Meeting on Friday, 22 March from 9 – 10.30. At the AGM we will report on our profit and loss for 2024, election of officer holders and fundraising goals for 2024. All welcome. Zoom details below if you cannot attend in person and wish to dial in. 


2nd hand Uniform Shop: The next second hand uniform shop will be at the Garage Sale on Sunday, 17 March. Donations to the shop can be placed in the basket near the stairs in the main building. Please ensure that donated items are freshly washed,  are not stained or  contain holes as they are unsuitable for sale. 


CJC Families Facebook Group: Did you know that we have a CJC Facebook Group called CJC Families?  The page is used to inform our community of CJC Events, sell 2nd hand uniform, find a babysitter and more. The page is private, and you must be a CJC community member and answer the questions to join. 


EFM - Call for Volunteers: The EFM provides a range of francophone services to our CJC community, including running the ever-popular EFM after school activities. The EFM is looking for additional volunteers to support the management of these programs and other programs. Joining the EFM IS a great way to deepen your francophone connections at CJC and beyond. Please contact if you can assist. 


Friday Treats: On 22 March in celebration of Purim, HIP will supply Hamantaschen from Glicks as well as our usual Friday treats. Friday treats are back and icy poles ($2) and pain aux chocolate ($4) from Reverie Café for sale after school from 3.30 until 3.45. 


2024 Events: Looking ahead, in 2024 we plan to run lots of great events: Bastille Day, Friday Treats, Mother’s & Father’s Day Stalls and Breakfasts, Diwali and the End of Year Party.   We would also like to run a school disco night (bringing back the 80’s school disco vibes) and an Africa Day in May – if you would like to coordinate or contribute to these events please let us know.  We also have some interested parents who would like to establish a CJC Parent Gardening Team.  Contact us at  


For all parents and carer’s wishing to volunteer at the school it is essential that you obtain your Working With Children Check – you can apply on line here and it is free for volunteers: Working with Children Check ( 


Amy Pate – President, Rachael Hart – Secretary, Anne-Sophie Aguado – Treasurer and Martine Inge – Head Convenor.

PC Contact email: 




DateEvent TimeDetails / Volunteers 
17 March 2024, early to 2pm. Garage Sale Early to 2pm. 

Stalls, Cakes, BBQ, Popcorn and Uniform Stall. Cakes can be dropped to 6 Oulton Street, Caulfield North on Saturday (1 Min from school) or on the day. 


Friday, 22 March Friday Treats –Special:  Hamantaschen for Purim 3.15pm – 3.45pm. HIP will sell Hamantaschen from Glicks in celebration of Purim. 
Friday, 22 March PC AGM – Staff Room or dial in 9am – 10.30am 


  1. Report on 2023 activities
  2. Financial report – Profit and Loss
  3. Election of Executive 
  4. Fundraising priorities for 2024


ZOOM: AGM Meeting Zoom Link  OR. Meeting ID: 937 1653 5716 Password: 151011

Friday, 17 May (term 2) Africa Day 3.30am – 5.30pmPlease let us know if you would like to volunteer for our inaugural Africa Day celebration.