Classroom Connection

What's happening in Intervention? / Quoi de neuf en intervention ?

Our 2024 intervention program is off to a great start, with small group support happening across the school.  Currently we have groups running for:

  • English Literacy
  • MSL - Multisensory Structured Language 
  • French Language
  • EAL - English as an Additional Language

We hope you enjoy this  little window into what happens within some of these programs.


English Literacy


Our English intervention groups have been receiving accelerated literacy learning, with a focus on reading and writing (including spelling).  Here is what some of our year 3 to 6 students have said about the program so far:


‘I like that my writing is getting better. I can already see that it’s changing.’


‘I enjoy working in a small group with different people from my normal class.’’


‘We get to read cool books.’


‘Our work is just right for us but still a bit hard.’


‘I love the room we get to work in and how it’s set up with all nice things on the wall.’


French Language

French intervention groups have been going for two weeks, with Mme Leduque and Mme Clapette both pleased to resume these small group lessons with students from year 1 to year 6.


This term focusses on some reviews from last year and French bases through games and fun activities. For the oldest students, we are also reinforcing what’s being studied in class, such as the dictée and conjugation, they love it!


Students’ comments:

“J’aime aller dans le groupe parce que ça m'aide avec mon français. J’aime faire le carnet de voyages, la maîtresse m’enseigne le français. J’aime les jeux, utiliser les ardoises…”(4G)


“J’aime ce petit groupe parce que il y a pas de bruit, c’est cosy et toutes les activités sont amusantes. On a fait un carnet de voyages.” (3E)


“Dans le groupe de francais, on fait parfois la dictée. On fait aussi des jeux pour nous aider en conjugaison, écriture et grammaire.” (5C)


“I like the small group with you because it helps me to understand in the French class”. (Year 1). 


“I like coming to the sessions because it’s fun and we’re learning french.” (Year 2) 




In MSL, our groups work on the alphabetic principle: which sound goes with which letter or group of letters.


Having the correct pencil grip, formation of letters and sitting square to the table with our feet on the floor are all reinforced to support our students.


We have been working on reading and writing words that match the letters/sounds/rules we know, and reviewing trickier words that we need to know ‘off by heart’. 


We finish our sessions with a game which further supports our learning.

Here’s what a couple of our junior students said they most enjoy about their sessions:


‘Everything, but mostly writing the alphabet and writing the words’

‘We like playing Go-Fish Alphabet and Bingo.’ (Beginning Sounds Bingo)


English as an additional language


It has been an exciting start to the year in EAL and Intervention at CJC.


In EAL we have been discussing not only our names, introductions and clothing, we have also started to discuss what we wear and when we wear it.


The discussion of clothing items is at beginning of the Victorian Curriculum for EAL students. 


In Intervention, we are also following the programs from the classrooms, with games of 'Bingo' to end the class with words discussed.


What a fun way to learn...

Fun stuff in the Grade 2 binomes / Activités amusantes chez les CE1

Nous avons travaillé sur deux poèmes sur le thème de la rentrée en CE1. Les élèves en ont ensuite choisi un et l’ont appris pour le réciter par cœur devant la classe. Bravo pour ce beau travail ! Et commençons la prochaine poésie… sur le thème de Pâques !