From the 

Leader of Learning

Mrs Lynne Slater

Information Nights

Recently we conducted Information Evenings for Year 7 and 11 families. If you missed the opportunity to attend please find the presentations attached below. 


Year 7

Year 11

HSC Masterclasses

Sydney Catholic Schools has developed a series of Student Masterclasses as a learning and revision tool for different HSC subjects. These are located on CANVAS as a course that all Year 12 students can access. Masterclasses comprise lessons targeted to different areas, for example, explaining key syllabus points, applying skills, reviewing content or deconstructing stimulus and examination style questions. Please contact Mrs Slater via for more information.

Assessment Timetables

Year 11

Year 12


A reminder students will require a medical certificate if they are away before an assessment task. 


We did a quick reshuffle of our schedule to accommodate an additional English workshop for our Year 12 Advanced and Standard students. I am grateful to Mrs Gee, Mrs Dee, Mrs Randall and Mr Robertson for offering this opportunity for students to consolidate their learning prior to the exam.


We also had the privilege of having three ex-students return to speak to students interested in a career in business. Oscar, Laura and Matthew who are all at UTS on scholarships returned to speak about their program with interested students. We are grateful to them for their time, their presentation was informative and inspiring.


Year 7 NAPLAN is complete and we had 100% attendance for the four exams.

Well done Year 7! The results will be used to guide teachers in how best to assist you in your learning.

Cronulla RSL Art Competition