Upcoming Events

Week 8 
Monday, 25 March - Wednesday, 5 April

Year 12 Assessment block


Wednesday, 5 AprilYear 7(2026) enrolment applications close
Friday, 29 MarchGood Friday Public Holiday
Week 9 
Monday, 1 AprilEaster Monday Public Holiday
Friday, 5 April -Friday, 12 AprilYear 11 Assessment block
Week 10 
Wednesday, 10 AprilDaVinci Decathlon (selected Yr 7 students)
Friday, 12 AprilLast day of term. Classes as per normal, dismissal at 2.50pm
 Year 7 Interim reports published by the end of the term
Week 1 
Monday, 29 AprilStaff Development Day
Tuesday, 30 AprilStudents return to school (winter uniform)
Week 2 
Thursday, 9 MayMother's Day breakfast
Friday, 10 May

Founder's Day. Mass at St Aloysius Parish 9.30am parents most welcome


Week 3 
Tuesday, 14 MayYear 11 (2025) Subject Information Evening
Week 4 
Tuesday, 21 MayPaul Dillon Drug Awareness Talk (Year 11, 12)
Wednesday, 22 MayYear 12 Parent Teacher Interviews 3pm-7pm in Carmody Hall
Week 5 
Thursday, 30 MayYear 12 Reflection Day
Friday, 31 MayYear 11 HSC Career Expo
Week 6 
Tuesday, 4 JuneYear 11 Parent Teacher Interviews 3pm-7pm in Carmody Hall
Friday, 7 JuneAthletics Carnival - Sylvania Athletics Centre
Week 7 
Monday, 10 JunePublic Holiday - no classes on this day
Friday, 14 June - 21 JuneYear 12 Assessment block
Week 9 
Friday, 28 JuneYear 11(2025) enrolment applications close
Friday, 28 June - 5 JulyYear 11 Assessment block
Week 10 
Thursday, 4 JulyYear 7 Parent Teacher Interviews 3pm-6pm in Carmody Hall
Friday, 5 JulyYear 7 Parent Teacher Interviews continue 9am-2.30pm. No classes on this day (Year 7 and 12)