Year 5/6

What a productive term of learning for our 5/6’s!
We have continued reading and closely analysing our novel study of War Horse. We are ¾ of the way through and will finish our study in the first few weeks of Term 2. So far, our book has been an emotional rollercoaster, with some glimmers of hope along the way. We are looking forward to finding out the future of our main character Joey as we follow his journey through WW1.
Alongside our novel, we have been writing our own War Horse inspired narratives about ‘The journey to the unknown’. This has included a heavy focus on breaking down our narrative paragraphs into brainstorms, dot points, language features to increase excitement and sophistication and then sentences. We are hoping to have our narratives finished and published very soon after lots of hard work and revision!
We have been smashing out lots of concepts in maths during the last few weeks, including using efficient strategies such as the part-part-whole model and the split strategy. As well as this, we explored properties of shape, including nets, cross sections and different views made with Unifix cubes. Moving in to next term, we have had a strong focus on building automaticity of number facts, particularly addition and multiplication. We have been using the online program Xtra Maths to work on this fluency and encourage everyone to have a few cracks over the holidays!
Last week, St John of God came to give our students a first aid talk and demonstration, focusing on how to follow DRSABCD (danger, response, send, airway, breathing, CPR, defibrillation) in a first aid situation. All of our students practiced going through different scenarios to practice their responses, including how deliver CPR if necessary. Everyone agreed that they felt much more confident and prepared if they were stuck in an emergency situation.
Some other highlights from our term include:
- Ella- Genre Writing because I enjoy writing about different subjects!
- Hunter- skills and drills
- Lachlan- writing
- Finley- my highlight of the term has been meeting up with my friends again
- Jack- My highlight of the term was running the beep test because I got the best I’ve ever gotten
- Evie- My highlight of this term was seeing my friends and learning new things in grade six because i feel like I have improved on so many subjects this term already.
- Indie- being happy coming to school for knowing I have a good teacher and friends
- Hazel- My highlight of this term is genre writing because I’ve had a lot of fun writing a narrative
- Brayden- playing volleyball in PE
- Edie- the Dream and Lead conference
- Violet- getting to sit next to Abbi in class
- Mikayla- The highlight of the term is that i get to see all my friends and all the funny moments of when I play monopoly at skills and drills while the year 6s are with their buddies.
- Oakley- not getting out of my spot
- Ezra- My highlight of the term has been P.E, because we all get to get out and play some of our favourite sports and games.
- Zara- getting to learn about WW1 because it is very interesting
- Lachlan S- I believe its not how it went but how you went so I think I liked cross country the most by coming 6th and now heading to hanging rock :)
- Abbi- my highlight of the term was going to dream and lead and seeing all of the happy faces and learning how to be a leader
- Angus- the hunter game it is rely fun even when you are the tagger
- Zach- My highlight has been learning beyond my limits and exploring them
- Darcy- my highlight of the term is learning math
- Caitlin- my highlight of the term was volleyball because I could be active and see my friends from other schools
- Sheamus- buddies and PE
- Lawson- Playing with my friends and a new class
- Thomas- My highlight of the term was playing volleyball and hunter... So far
- Lily- I loved when we went to volleyball to play with all the other schools.
- Tahlia- NAPLAN and War Horse
- Chelsea- My highlight of the term was cross country
- Luke- War Horse, PE and Buddies
- Belle- My highlight of the term is doing buddies with my new buddy Layla
- Abbey- Dream and lead conference, buddies, War Horse and writing my story journey into the unknown
- Bailey- playing outside with my friends
- Clancy- Volleyball, cross country
- Charlton- I really liked the leadership excursion
- Lukas- My highlight of this term is probably doing all of the Maths Mate and pushing myself to red when I was yellow
- Arturo- The highlight of my term was probably coming first in cross country. Stuff that were also up there: Narrative, P.E, Lunch, Recess, Prodigy, Independent Reading
- India- buddies, volleyball, make it purple day - teachers getting slimed, cross country, first aid
- Grace- My highlight is when we have P.E
- Zoe- I enjoyed NAPLAN- the writing text and the maths
- Riley- My Year 6 jumpers
- Kelly- P.E, Buddies, First aid, Volleyball and playing Hunter.
- Harriette- PE, art, skills and drills, writing readers theatre, maths, lunch, recess, home
- Liv- handwriting with Jo, writing a story, improper to proper fractions, Maths Mate, leadership conference
We wish all of our families a lovely, safe holidays and hope the Easter Bunny brings lots of yummy treats 😊