Year 3/4

The year 3 and 4 students have been wrapping up our term on the human body. Our journey began with the eye and has ended with the heart. But what happens when things go wrong? Well….First Aid training. We were lucky enough to have an incursion from St John’s ambulance teaching the students what to do when they found an unconscious patient. DRSABCD. That’s what we do..
Thankfully our patient was still breathing so we rolled the (very compliant and giggly) patient into the recovery position and awaited further instructions from the emergency services. Temporary tattoos and certificates dispersed the students are now ready to handle emergencies.
As part of our wellbeing program and Berry Street Education Model program the students have identified their character strengths. Firstly, we took a survey about our self beliefs and preferences. The kids then identified these traits in others. Wiley and Travis (the teachers) then identified what traits they saw in their students. So all up three character strengths were allocated for each student and formed the basis of an inspirational poster that we have sent home and displayed in class. Next - how to strengthen our character strengths through exercising that strength. We are flexing our (persistence, honesty, teamwork, leadership) muscles!