Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham & Mrs Sarah Castellas

What a fabulous fortnight of learning for the Grade 1's!


During the last 2 weeks, we celebrated International Day of Friendship, we had our P-2 sports day and the NEDs wellbeing incursion.


Remarkable Writing:

1B have been REMARKABLE during our Friday writing sessions! We have focused on using WOW words, adjectives and sizzling starts when writing. We have also started focusing on writing goals, which help the students to remain focused on a goal when writing. Have a look at the fabulous writing that has been happening in our classroom!



Our focus for this week has been place value. We have been exploring and representing numbers through hands-on materials. We have enjoyed learning about the value of each digit in a number.


Grade 1 History dress up day:

On Tuesday the grade 1's had a dress-up day. We had to dress up as children from the past. It was a fabulous day of fun for all grade 1's. The students particularly enjoyed our olden-day games afternoon!


We hope you've enjoyed a sneak peek into the amazing learning happening in 1B!