Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Kate Warburton (ES) and Mrs Josie Stocchero

Prep B have been super busy over the last few weeks! Lots of things happening in our classroom with lots of learning too! We have been fortunate enough to have extra adults in the classroom. Niloofa is completing her Masters and is with us for 3 weeks. We also have Sofia who is training to become an Education Support worker. The students love all the extra help we have in the classroom.



Over the last couple of weeks, we have focused on 'ordinal 'numbers and also revisited one of our favourite topics - Data.

The students have enjoyed looking at different ways of looking at data and showing the results on graphs. They have learnt that having collections of objects can be shown and counted easily on a graph. 



The best part of teaching is seeing the progress children make, and boy, are our preps doing exactly that. They have continued to write great animal facts in their 'information reports. They have focused on writing sentences with capital letters, spaces and full 

stops, as well as writing High Frequency Words. You will also find some amazing illustrations from our wonderful ES, Barb.




The students are continuing to enjoy our Discovery Learning Space that is located in the BER. This term, the activities are more structured and guided as they continue to interact positively with their class friends. Here the students are encouraged to explore their creativity, build great bonds with their friends. play games, write letters and become curious about their interests.  



NED Growth Mindset Show

Our preps were lucky enough to watch a 45-minute live show with lots of yo-yo tricks, puppetry, and storytelling. We were introduced to NED who was a character looking for his positive mindset. All the students were intrigued by the show and have continued to talk about it ever since.