Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Are you Leaving PVNPS in 2025?

Dear Families,

Please write a letter to inform us if you and your family not be at PVNPS in 2025. This information is required for us as  we start to plan for classes for 2025. We will miss you!

PREP Enrolments for 2025.

We have a large number of prep enrolments already for 2025. Please make sure if you have another sibling to enrol that you do this as soon as possible.

Our prep transition program begins this term. Check out the dates in the Prep enrolment section of this newsletter.

All enrolled students should have received a confirmation letter with documents containing all transition dates and prep dates for 2025.

We have more prep enrolments this year than we had this time last year, which is terrific and the word of mouth in our community by you all is very positive -  I know we are doing amazing work here at PVNPS in learning and wellbeing. Thank you for sharing the word!


We are also investigating the possibility that year 1 and 2 classes may need to be composite in 2025 based on current projections. This will be continually monitored throughout this term.



Our students are very fortunate to have the opportnity to participate in a lunch club from Monday to Friday.  Thank you to the staff ( Mr Lytton, Dimi, Ester & Ms McAlister) and the students who have put their hand up to run these. There are some great clubs: Coding/ Lego/Green Team/Games/Chess/Library/Choir/Student Newsletter/ Deck dancing and the one that i run Wellbeing Club.

On Mondays, I open the Bee Hive room where students can come in and sit and draw or colour or just talk or bring a bok to read. We have some quiet muisc on and its quite relaxing for us all- even me!



Fair and Logical Consequences

We have a matrix of expected positive behaviour expectations for three areas within our school: classrooms, playgrounds and the toilets. These expectations relate to all our values and we have discussed them at our start up program and then each week one PBE is discussed and taught. 

We believe in coaching and having restorative conversations with our students... however there must be at times consequences for our chosen behaviours. As a staff, we have discussed these consequences as we believe that they must be fair and logical. for example:

  • if a child has made the classroom unsafe then they will be required to complete their work in a different room.
  • if a student draws on school property, they will need to clean it
  • students who throw the building blocks in the bases is making the area unsafe will be removed from the area 
  • student tackling while playing footy, will have a time out for 5 minutes and then this will be extended if continues.

These are just some examples of how we will enforce our Positive Behaviour Expectations.