Community Engagement

School Council - Community Engagement Team

Working Bee

Our 3rd Working Bee is coming up very soon. Sunday 18th August.

Please see if you can attend. We will be having a sausage sizzle (halal) once again.

Please ring the school to let us know if you can atend.

Jobs on the list this Working Bee are as follows:

  1. General weeding of car park
  2. Edible garden weeding, if doesn’t happen before working bee
  3. Plant protectors on indigenous garden plant

Father's Day and Special Others

We have a Father's Day Stall this term, Wednesday 28th August.

We are waiting for names of families who can offer to help on the morning and those that can help set up Tuesday afternoon.

DONATIONs are greatly needed - so please let us know if you can make some donations for us to sell to our students.