Sports Dress Up Day 

By Neervi, Pranesh, Ananda and Ali - 2024 CIS Captains

Dear GWPS community, 


We are excited to share information on our recent fundraiser, Sports Dress Up Day which was held on Friday 2nd August. The dress up day was an opportunity for students to wear sports related outfits or to wear bright colours. It was a hugely successful event whereby we raised a total of $631.10! 


Zimbabwe is a country found in South Africa. It has a sub-tropical climate where crime and safety are a concern. It has an increasing water scarcity and children are at risk. In the struggle to have enough food and a roof over their heads, children's needs can be neglected. This means they may drop out of school, be forced to work or be exposed to exploitation. In fact, 64% of children under 14 have experienced physical punishment.


So you might be wondering – what happens to all the money we raised? The funds we have raised will be sent to World Vision who will then provide shelter, food, and clean water to our sponsored child – Charlotte Kapare. This will make a huge difference in her life, and we cannot wait to hear back from Charlotte when she receives the funds.


Thank you for playing a huge part in making a difference in Charlotte’s life. We leave you with some photos of our dress up day. 


Kind regards, 


Your CIS Captains, 

Neervi, Pranesh, Ananda and Ali