Captains Corner

By Swanya - 6F

How time flies, we’re nearly already halfway through the term! However, we have seen these past weeks jammed packed. We have participated in many activities and tournaments where the whole school has been having lots of fun. 



The year six girls have participated in a district soccer tournament. There were three teams that participated, and they all performed exceptionally learning new skills and coming back with the great news that one of the teams made it to division! They will go to Mount view primary school to compete on the 6th of August. Let’s all cheer them on and see if we come back with a win.



We have also completed another Maths Olympiad and Maths Games that the year 4-6 participated in. This was the third one so far and everyone seems to be enjoying the tricky questions. 



Another maths related event that will be commencing this week is the AMC on the 6th of August. The Year 4-6’s will take the exam. Let’s all wish them good luck with the very tricky exam questions.



We have also commenced ICAS this week. We have completed the writing and on Wednesday we will be starting the Digital Technology. We will also be doing Science, Maths, English and Spelling. So many exams in so little time! 



Again, this fortnight will be one of the most jammed packed terms of the term. I hope you have a wonderful fortnight and an amazing learning experience.



Thank you for reading this fortnight’s newsletter. Stay safe and don’t worry Spring is around the corner!



Kind regards,


Swanya 2024 school captain.