Student Voice

The new playground.

Year 4 Science incursion


This Wednesday, the Year 4 students were privileged to kick off their Term 3 Earth Sciences unit by having Dr. David Guest OAM visit our school.


David is currently a Professor of Horticultural Science at the University of Sydney and is an expert on plant pathology and biodiversity of soil.


The students learned about the fact that soil is integral to life on Earth and that it is dynamic (constantly changing) thanks to the diversity of living things (both microscopic and macrofauna) both helping and battling each other for survival in an interconnected food web, all occurring within the first 15-20cm beneath our feet!


David brought with him, a digital microscope along with a fascinating collection of soil samples containing bugs, fungi and other microorganisms.Each class will now set up their own Burlese funnel, to extract living things from soil samples, and analyse them under a microscope: who knows what we’ll find!


Thanks to David for sharing his time and expertise with our students!

Year 1 - Playground test

The Year 1s have been super excited to test out our new playground. It has some challenging elements that everyone has really enjoyed like the fireman's pole and the spiders web.