Uniform Reminder
Uniform Reminder
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we begin to emerge from winter, I would like to take the opportunity to revisit the uniform expectations.
Uniform is an important part of a school’s identity. It reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community, and assists in developing pride in representing their school. It also helps prepare students for life after school where many will have to wear a uniform for work.
It would be fair to say that, so far this term, we have several interpretations of what is and is not acceptable uniform and we believe it is time to clarify our expectations for students and parents.
Student’s individuality is appreciated at Kyabram P-12 College. However, we do have a compulsory school uniform. It is our expectation that all students adhere to the school uniform policy. The uniform policy is available on the website for further reference, but please see the additional guidance below (please label all uniform)
Dress |
Jumpers and Jackets |
Hat |
Pants |
Scarf |
Shirts |
Shoes |
Shorts |
Skirt |
Socks |
Tie |
Tights |
Make-up, Tattoos and Hair |
Extreme hair colours and/or extreme hairstyles are not permitted. |
Jewellery The only acceptable items of jewellery are: |
I would like to thank those families who do ensure that their children are in school uniform each day and are keen to demonstrate to their children the importance of education by following school policy. Your contribution is very much valued.
Uniform Blitz
Whilst we regularly check and remind students of our expectations relating to the school uniform, we will be having a ‘blitz’ in-line with the uniform policy from the beginning of week 6 of Term 3 (Tuesday 20.08.24).
This allows adequate time for students to ensure they have the appropriate uniform and to receive support from the school if necessary.
From this time, any students not in the correct uniform will be subject to our existing, well-implemented process of students being:
- Offered support to obtain correct uniform.
- Offered uniform to wear for the day.
- Parents and carers will be contacted for the students who do not get into appropriate uniform as provided so that they can collect the student to amend their attire or bring to the school the correct clothing.
- If students remain out of uniform, they will be withdrawn from class until the uniform concerns are addressed as a continual failure to follow the school rules. Parents and carers will be contacted and have the right to remove their students from school until the uniform concerns are remedied.
- If the issue continues, further measures will be taken up to and including formal suspensions from school.
The official School Uniform Suppliers are as below.
- Workwear Connect: 117 Allan St, Kyabram VIC 3620 (03) 5853 2777
- Surf’n’Skate: 160 Allan St, Kyabram VIC 3620 (03) 5852 2911
If you have any questions about the guidance, please do not hesitate to contact school or refer to the uniform policy on the website which can be found here:
StudentUniformandDressCodePolicy.pdf (kyabramp-12.vic.edu.au)
Kyabram p-12 College Uniform List
If you are unsure whether a piece of uniform is acceptable, please consult the school before buying. If there are any extenuating circumstances, which mean you are unable to meet the uniform requirements by Tuesday 20 August, please email: linda.clancy@education.vic.gov.au
Objections or complaints about the school uniform policy or actions following the above guidance can be addressed to the Principal directly. Parents and carers are however reminded that admission to the school is on the grounds that school council approved policies are adhered to. By sending your child to Kyabram P-12 College, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of these policies.
We look forward to your support in ensuring all students are treated equally and trust the guidance above makes things much clearer for everyone.
Thank you
Mitch Coombs