Library News 

Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge (VPRC) Congratulations

Well done to our students who have been reading over the school holidays and logging their completed books on the VPRC's website.  Two of these students have now completed their challenge.  

Congratulations to 

Archer Joyce


Henry Price


who are both in Year 3 and have read 10 Challenge books and 5 books of their choice.  Well done!  We have presented their Reading Champion badges at assembly and hope they will wear them with pride on their school uniform.  All students who complete their challenge will also receive a certificate at the end of the year.


If anyone would like further information about the challenge please visit this website: .  For student usernames or passwords, please check with your teacher or email me: .

Thank you :)

Scholastic Book Club


Issue no.5 has been sent home with our students this week. 

Please place any orders by 

Monday 5th August.  

Thank you.