Student of the Week

Student of the Week

Week One

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationJoey PrestonFor being an excellent and motivated learner! Joey, you have been so amazing at following classroom instructions and giving everything a go! I am proud of you! Well done!
1/2SDarcie LeverWoweeee!  What a superstar you have been this week. You are calm, cool and collected.  It is so good to see how well you listen, have a go at everything and are so resilient.  Well done on all these tremendous improvements Darcie. 
5/6DFOlivia MayFor showing persistence during some tricky mathematics chance problems this week. You gave it a go and discovered that you could do it. Great effort!
5/6TCameron MarshallFor being such a considerate and generous person.  Cameron brough 6 toboggans to share with his classmates to the ski trip.  Then, when he saw someone without, he shared the one that he was using himself!  We need more Camerons in the world!
SportCoco Fox

For throwing catching and passing in our pre-netball skills and game session.  Coco shot some good goals and intercepted the ball from her opponents

Excellent effort Coco!

JapaneseJayden MorrisFor being a respectful learner. You have started Japanese lesson calmly in Term 3. Great work, Jayden.


Week Two

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationLexie BoffFor presenting an excellent retelling play of the ‘Three Little Pigs!’You used an excellent character voice for the pig and explained the story in great retell! Well done Lexie!
1/2SMason PrzestaszewskiFor his optimistic attitude and diligence towards all his work in class.  He will try anything, always wanting to his best.  Mason is making huge improvements in all areas of his learning because of all his incredible efforts and hard work.  Amazing achievement you CHAMPION!
5/6DFMaggie BarrFor her amazing resilience during the snow trip. Even though you found skiing difficult you never gave up and went back at the end to try again until you were happy. You made the choice to keep going and make the most of the skiing opportunity presented to you. Awesome effort Maggie!
5/6TDylan McDowellFor his positive attitude and his willingness to challenge himself with his learning.  Dylan loves to take on extra challenge in maths sessions.  Well done, Dylan!
SportDarcie Lever

For the skills she displayed in both soccer and handball.  She showed good ball control and involved all her team members in the games.

Excellent play Darcie!

JapaneseAnnabelle Lawrie For always being respectful and positive learner in Japanese class. Thank you very much and great job, Annabelle!