Physical Education

Wednesday August 7 - 5/6 students Winter Sport at the Yarra Centre and Wesburn Park
Friday August 9 - 5/6 Hooptime at the Yarra Centre
Tuesday August 13 - 3/4 Hooptime at the Yarra Centre
Wednesday August 14 - Whole school mini Olympics event here at St Joseph's
NAIDOC Week, Indigenous Games
For huff'n puff in we energised our day by playing some indigenous games. The great thing about these is they require very little equipment and are variants of so many of the other minor games we play.
Kevin Sheedy visit
It was a special morning to have an icon of AFL to come and speak to our students. The first thing he told us was that he too had attended St Joseph's primary school. Only it was in South Yarra.
It was great to hear him tell the students to be proud of what they do and always try to improve. They then had a kick of the footy.
Huff 'n Puff - Walkathon
It's on again next week. We will be giving all the students a card to record how far they walk each morning during huff 'n puff. It will be fun to see how far each student, sport squad and the whole student group walk in the week.
Olympic games
Yer! Yer! We all know about those ones, but St Joseph's students will be holding their own special one on Wednesday, August 14. There will some special events as part of this day so stay tuned to find out more about this over the coming weeks.