Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Visual Arts - Andrew K 3A Andrew has shown great focus and diligence in art. He was particularly engaged with his clay work, listening to instructions and making an impressive coil pot. He exemplified the school value of “Be a Learner”. Congratulations Andrew and well done!
Performing Arts - Eva FA for demonstrating fantastic dance and singing skills during her rehearsals for performance. Well done for being enthusiastic and sharing your ideas during class discussion to help us become better performers. Keep up the great work!
Chinese - Gurugunn 6C for your beautiful Chinese sentences and great capacity to memorise them. You demonstrate hard work, focus and enthusiasm all the time. Keep up the great work!!
LLI (Years 3, 4 & 5) - Bosilija - What an excellent start to LLI you have made this term. Keep working hard & reading with such beautiful expression. You are kicking goals!
LLI (Year 2) - Emric 2B has been recognised for making a great start to L.L.I. lessons this term. You should feel very proud of the level of focus and enthusiasm that you have displayed so far. Keep up the great work!
6A - Maryam This award is for having a positive attitude during her learning at all times, always striving to keep a smile on her face.
6B - Angie This award is for completing classroom tasks to a very high standard and setting challenging goals to further her learning.
6C - JJ This award is for showing exemplary behaviour towards all teachers and attempting all set tasks with a positive mindset
5A - Lani for an excellent start to learning at DPW. Lani, you have developed friendships, created a new benchmark in terms of work presentation and contributed confidently to class discussions since your first session. You are a superstar, well done!
5B - Lani for a great start to the term. You have shown consistent effort in all areas of your learning. Keep up the fantastic work, Lani!
5C - Aya for an excellent start to learning at DPW. Aya, you have developed friendships and contributed confidently to class discussions since your first session. Keep it up!
4A - Harjaap for an excellent start to Term 3! His active participation in whole class discussion this week has been wonderful. Harjapp is keen to share his thinking and contribute to the learning of his peers. Fantastic efforts Harjaap! Keep it up!
4B - Abdul for showing all of our school values in the first week of being part of 4B. You have particularly shown the value of Integrity by contributing to class discussions. Keep up the great work!
4C - Kengsyor for showing great effort in your learning tasks and contributed to the whole class and small group discussions. It’s great seeing your increasing confidence, Kengsyor!
3A - Sallin for your resilience and persistence shown during Mathematics this week. You worked hard to calculate money totals and should be very proud of yourself. Well done, Sallin!
3B - Harper for showing enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards your learning. You have come back from your extended holiday ready to learn and have been an asset to all class and group tasks. Amazing work, Harper!
3C - Ali for being a responsible, kind and hard working member of 3C. Ali is a respectful student, who always puts forward his best effort in all areas of his learning. Well done, Ali!
2A - Ashleigh for working so hard at home and at school to achieve her goal of recognising and reading her High Frequency words and always displaying a positive attitude to learning. Well done Ashleigh!
2B - Faneend for displaying our Deer Park West values and for all of her efforts with her learning. Keep up the great work!
2C - Sarah for demonstrating resilience, motivation and a growth mindset while working towards her goals. Great work, Sarah!
1B - Mason for displaying the school values of Respect, Resilience and Integrity this week. Mason has blown me away with his kindness to his peers, fantastic whole body listening and his focus on his learning. Well done Mason!
1A - Arielle for helping her peers when they are in need. Well done Arielle, it’s great to see you demonstrating our school value of collaboration.
FA - All of FA! Happy 100 Days of School!
FB - All of FB! Happy 100 Days of School!
Highlighted Students
Lower primary:
All of FA and FB. Happy 100 Days of School!
Upper primary:
5A - Lani for an excellent start to learning at DPW. Lani, you have developed friendships, created a new benchmark in terms of work presentation and contributed confidently to class discussions since your first session. You are a superstar, well done!