Focus on...

Pursuing VM
'We do not value one form of knowledge above others; the experiential is just as important as the cognitive; the interpersonal as valuable as the rational' (Transformational Education: A Framework for Christian Teaching, 2014, p. 139).
You may not have heard of VCE VM before. Don't worry, you are not alone - this course is very new and we have only just started offering it at MECS this year. The 'VM' stands for Vocational Major, so in a nutshell it is doing Year 11 and 12 with a particularly work-ready focus. The curriculum includes more 'hands-on' learning outside of the classroom and engages with life skills rather than academic content. Now you've got that, let me tell you about one of the students who found VCE VM a transformative experience.
Jess* was a student who found Year 10 challenging, struggling with her attendance and difficulties managing her health. After completing a semester of Year 11 in VCE, she was unmotivated and unable to keep up with the pressures of the test conditions and subject content. She was able to switch over to VCE VM mid-way through the year, where she found the work was more practical and she could weave her love for arts and design into tasks. Moving into Year 12, Jess started to show leadership in activities like running the Senior Secondary Café. This contributed to a sense of purpose at school, and it was clear that she was now a student who was shining brightly in the class, rather than falling behind. She was able to graduate with fantastic skills for the workplace, confidence, and proudly achieving her VCE.
VCE VM is all about seeing students working within their strengths and practical gifts. Whilst many people associate academic faithfulness with getting the best grades, it is really about students working faithfully to be the best learners they can be, according to their gifting. We see this celebrated in scripture in places such as 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. God has created us all with different drives, abilities and passions, and we are fortunate to teach a program that really honours our students in such a rich way.
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (adapted).
* Not her real name
Nicky Joiner
VCE-VM Coordinator & Secondary Teacher