Un Viaje Mágico: A Tale of Spanish Wonders


Wednesday 4th of September @7PM


Thursday 5th of September @ 7PM



Tuesday 3rd or September


Wednesday 4th of September


Student Attendance on the Night

It is expected that students attend both night's performances. We understand that this is a late night, especially for the little ones. Please be aware that the following days at school we will have a longer soft start with official classes beginning at 10am. The teachers will also be mindful that student will be low on energy those days so will plan activities accordingly. Parents do not need to attend the concert on both nights. It is up to individual families as to how to handle this. Some suggestions include one family member attending one night and the other attending another, dropping children off and picking them up at the end of the night, or organising with friends to car pool to take your child on the night that you don't attend and vice versa. 



Tickets will be made available online and via phone directly through Darebin Arts Centre. Please be aware that with the capacity of the venue and the size of our school, it means that each family will be limited to 2 to 3 tickets over the two nights. To ensure that all families have access to at least two tickets, they will be sold in two rounds. Round 1 you will be limited to buy 2 tickets only. Round 2 you will have the chance to purchase more tickets if you would like. 


Please keep an eye out in the newsletter for more information regarding the dates that tickets will go on sale and links to the ticketing platform.