Key Information

Behaviour Matrix


In Term 1, students will collaboratively create a Behaviour Matrix through their involvement in the Student Voice initiative. This matrix will outline the expectations for positive behaviour and respectful interactions within the classroom and school environment. Students will work together to identify key behaviours that align with the school’s values, such as respect, responsibility, and kindness. They will discuss and agree on how these behaviours look in various situations, both inside the classroom and during interactions with peers.


Through this process, students will develop a deeper understanding of what it means to contribute positively to the school community and the role they each play in maintaining a supportive and respectful environment. The Behaviour Matrix will serve as a guide for students, helping them to reflect on their actions and make positive choices, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability in their learning and behaviour.

Morning Bell

Each morning, the bell rings at 8.50am to signal that children may enter the classroom and begin their day. To ensure teachers can provide for optimal learning, we ask that you allow the teachers time prior to 8.50am to organise for the day. We understand that sometimes a meeting is required, for this we recommend organising a time with your teacher. It is important that you remain outside the building (weather permitting) to supervise your child in the playground until the yard duty teacher arrives at 8.45am. 

Hats and Water Bottles

As we are a SunSmart school, learners have been reminded to bring their hats labelled with their name, to school every day in Term One and Term Four to protect them from the sun when outside. We also recommend that you apply sunscreen with your child before they come to school in these terms. If you haven’t done so already, please provide a refillable water bottle, labelled with your child’s name to be stored in the classroom.