Parent Information

Office Hours

Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm

Phone:  0358 211 926





At St. Brendan’s we use The system is known as “PAM” – Parent Access Module and this along with our APP Simon Everywhere, is linked to the administration system we are using at school.  All information stored on this program will be totally private and will be accessed by school staff only.


Through PAM / Simon Everywhere parents will have access to the following functions: 

  • Receive alerts through Simon Everywhere APP – via mobile or email
  • Read Daily notices
  • Notify of student absences
  • Update student medical information
  • Consent to excursions & camps
  • View School Calendar
  • Parent Teacher Interview Bookings

You will need a username and password that the school will supply once your child is enrolled into the school.


Students will not be able to participate in school activities such as camps and excursions without an up-to-date medical profile and permission which will all be completed on PAM/Simon Everywhere.


If you require support setting up please call in to our school office and we can help get you on your way with PAM. 


See the Parent Handout from SIMON EVERYWHERE for instructions on how to access PAM. 



Student Absences 

If your child is absent from school for the day or for a period of time, please report them absent on the PAM portal or contact the School office on 58 211 926 to advise.


An SMS will be sent out every day to advise of an unexplained student absence.  

Please note, you are able to reply to the SMS.


Late arrival / Early collection / Student Absences

Students who arrive at school after 9.00am must present to the office for students to be signed in. 


Students who leave school before 3.20pm will need to be signed out through the office.

Parents are asked to attend the office and sign students in or out via the Office ipad.


Please notify student absences via PAM (Parent Access Module) or phone the school office on 58 211 926.

Sports Days - Sports Uniforms

Please see below the Sports Days for each Learning Community.  Students are to wear their sports uniform on these days commencing next week.


Junior Years (F, 1, 2):                    Monday and Wednesday

Middle Years & Senior Years:    Tuesday and Thursday


Our Sports uniform is:  St. Brendan's Green Polo, Black shorts, White socks and runners.


Medications at School

If your child requires medication at school, a note identifying the child, class, medication name, dosage, and time to be given needs to be sent to the office. 


The medication should be in the original container/box and should also have a chemist label on it.  All medication is dispensed through the office and is signed off on a medication register.


If the appropriate permission is not sent with the medication, it cannot be given to the student.  It is also a good idea to mention to the student’s teacher that there is medication at the Office and what time it is to be given.

School Fees 

2025 School Fee Statements will be generated and emailed to families next week.  School fee statements will be sent out on a monthly basis.  


If you have any queries or concerns, please contact our Principal, Mr Joel Brian on 58 211 926 or email 


Please see below our Bank account details for Direct Deposits.


School Bank Account details for Direct Deposit payments:

BSB:  083-543  

Account Number:   457828668

Bank:  NAB       

Branch:  Bendigo

Account Name:  St. Brendan's Primary School


If paying school fees via Direct Deposit, please use your Account number or Surname as a reference.


Direct Debit payments - School Fees

The first Direct Debit payment for the 2025 School Year will be Friday, 21st February 2025.


If you wish to set up a Direct Debit payment for 2025, please ensure you fill out a Direct Debit form as soon as possible.  Hard copies are available from the School Office. 


Please note, a new Direct Debit form must be filled in each school year.  Please contact the school office on 58 211926  if you have any queries.




Health Care Card Holders

A reminder that families holding a valid Health Care Card (HCC) are eligible for a significant reduction in school fees for the upcoming year including all fees and levies.


For families who hold a current valid Health Care Card for 2025, please fill out the CSEF application form, Direct Debit form and provide a copy of your Health Care Card to the School office as soon as possible to be eligible for a significant reduction in School fees.




Please see the attached flyer for details and requirements:



2nd Hand Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is currently closed - we will notify families once we are able to reopen.


Bell Times:

8.50am                First Bell (music)

8.55am                 Second Bell

11.00am              Lunch (eating time)

11.10am              Lunch (second bell)

11.45am              End of lunch (first bell/music)

11.50am              End of lunch (second bell)

1.50pm                Recess (eating time)

1.55pm                Recess 

2.15pm                End of recess (first bell/music)

2.20pm                End of recess (second bell)

3.20pm                End of Day




At St. Brendan’s Primary School, we're dedicated to fostering strong connections among our students, parents, and friends. 


To further enhance our sense of community and keep you updated on the latest happenings, we invite you to like and follow our official Facebook page.


By joining our Facebook community, you'll gain access to a wealth of exciting content, including:


·      Announcements and Updates

·      Student Highlights

·      Parent Engagement

·      Educational Resources 


To like our page and become a part of our digital community, simply follow these steps:


Click on the link to our Facebook page: 


St. Brendan’s Primary School’s Official Facebook Page


Click the "Like" button.


Thank you for being a part of our incredible school community.  We look forward to connecting with you on Facebook.