
It's been a busy start to the year, with Year 11 inductions, driving, shearing and getting to know the farm.  Year 12s have dived straight back into it, working on practical components of their competencies to get their Cert II in Agriculture finished as soon as possible. Thank you to all the students for adapting to the moving around of groups and Technical Officers (TOs).



Just a reminder to all parents and students that hats are a compulsory part of the farm uniform.  A number of Year 12 students are stating that they don't have hats.  Students will be directed to Administration to purchase a new hat if they fail to bring one to farm. Please also note, that some Year 12 farm uniforms are looking a bit worse for wear.  Students are required to wear a neat and tidy uniform free from tears and large stains.



Parents are encouraged to speak with their child about the use of mobile phones throughout the school day.  'Off and away all day' is department policy.  Some students are still turning up to farm with phones, and then getting upset when they are confiscated for 5 days as per the College policy.  Phones are NOT allowed on farm at any time.  


Weekend Duty

Thank you to all the students that have been proactive and asked to change their weekend duty roster well ahead of time.  Many students have noticed they are rostered on during the winter sporting season and have arranged a swap with another student.  Remember that a minimum of 2 weeks' notice is required for any weekend duty swaps.  Year 12s have to remember that swapping weekend duty may result in them having to return in Term 4 to complete their roster, which is a requirement of two of the Core Competencies for Cert II in Agriculture.


Thank you

A big thank you to the staff on farm who go over and above each and every day to support our students and ensure our livestock are cared for.  THANK YOU!


Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Kylie Iles

Assistant Farm Manger