Student Wellbeing

Mrs Kylie Squiers

Thank you, Mrs Jasper!

We were very lucky to have Mrs Donna Jasper join us on Tuesday this week.  She spent the day talking to the Year 11 students in small groups. The focus for her talk was Healthy Sex.


Mrs Jasper's talk focused on teaching the Year 11s about all the different types of contraception available as well as covering sexually transmitted infections or STIs. We wish to thank Mrs Jasper for her extremely informative session.


Next week Mrs Jasper will be back again to talk to the Year 12 students in small groups. The focus will also be on Healthy Sex however the topics covered will include consent, desire, pleasure, and respectful relationships.


We wish to thank Mrs Jasper for these extremely informative sessions.


Mrs Kylie Squiers

Wellbeing Coordinator