
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

The midterm closed weekend is upon us already. How time is flying by. 


Please remember the College is closed from 4pm Friday 28 February 2025 until after 4pm Monday 3 March 2025. Leave must reflect this and be entered by 8:00pm Wednesday please. 


This long weekend is a great opportunity to catch up for many of our families who do not get the opportunity to see their children regularly and I know many are very excited to go home. Please speak to your young person about what could be brought home, as many have way too much gear for their small spaces. Messy and busy spaces are not conducive to organisation and study, as well as making life tricky for our wonderful cleaners. 


Our Year 11s have had enough time now to know the routines and expectations of boarding and school. We are grateful to parents who support us by discussing the choices their students make, to follow procedures, respect others and studying during prep. 


Year 11 students that do not go home each weekend, will need to be mindful to bring swags or tents back with them for the Northwest Tour if they are not here already. Most other items required are already here with them.


The Consent2Go email, with all information regarding what to bring, itinerary and costs, will be sent out tomorrow, so please check your emails.


A big thank you to all students who dressed up for our Hawaiian Luau on Monday night. It was awesome to see the effort most went to.

Please enjoy your break and drive safe. 


Kristine Van

Residential Manager