Term 1

Week 5: 24th - 28th February

24 - 26: 5/6 Camp – Anglesea 

25: Foundation students Rest Day

28: Middle Unit Mass @ 9.30am. All welcome.


Week 6: 3rd - 7th March

3: Courage & Crowns 

4: Shrove Tuesday

4: Combined School Advisory Council & Parents and Friends meeting @ 7.00pm

5: Ash Wednesday - Mass @ 9.30am

6: BE BRAVE Leadership talk and clinic (Grades 3 - 6)

7: Casual Dress Day – Easter Egg donation 


Week 7: 10th - 14th March

10: Public Holiday

12 – 24: NAPLAN 


Week 8: 17th - 21st March

12 – 24: NAPLAN 

19: Feast of St Joseph 

20: Ride 2 School

21: Golden Hammer Day 

21: Harmony Day

21: Junior Unit Mass @ 9.30am. All welcome.


Week 9: 24th - 28th March


27: Teams Te

28: Community Cross Country @ RSC


Week 10: 31st March - 4th April

31: School Photos 

1: Pupil Free Day

4: Easter Hat Parade & Raffle Drawn 

 - Community Learning Day 

4: End of Term 1 

 - 2.15pm dismissal