Around the classrooms

Messages from all classrooms.

Foundation/Grade 1 

Maths – Foundation 

This week the Foundation students have finished up their unit on pattern where they learnt about different 2 and 3-part patterns. The students recognised, copied, continued and created a variety of patterns using movement, colours and objects.  

Reading/Writing (InitaLit) - Grade 1 

This week the Grade 1 students have been learning digraphs. A digraph is two letters that make one sound. They have been focusing on sh, th, ch, wh. They have also been practicing tricky words; my, the, I, a, is, they, that, you, was, to. 


Grade 2 

The Grade 2 class are enjoying reading 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Dondaldson and Axel Schefflew.  

Before reading the story, the students predicted the story. Here are some of their predictions: 

I think the snail is going to jump on the whale’s back because he needs a ride - By Evie 

I think the snail and the whale went on an adventure - By Ned 

I predict it is at the beach because whales live in the ocean, and it is a sea snail.  I think the snail and the whale become great friends - by Freddie & Hunter 


After reading the story the students then chose their favourite character and described why. Here are some of their thoughts: 

My favourite character is the snail because he is little, and I like tiny things - By Ayla 

My favourite character was the snail because he saved the whale, and he was brave - by Alice & Alyssa 

My favourite character was the snail because he was creative in how he saved the whale - By Harper 

My favourite character was the whale because he went on big adventures and I like to see the world - By Hope 

My favourite character is the whale because he travels by sea - by Jace 

My favourite character is the snail because he wrote a message to let people know his friend needed help and I love school - by Addi 


Grade 3/4

The Grade 3/4 students have been hard at work crafting their narratives! The prompt for our stories is "Mischief is the key to my success," and we can’t wait to share these adventures filled with cheeky characters and their daring exploits. To make our writing even more exciting, we’ve been focusing on incorporating onomatopoeia to captivate the reader’s attention, while also using tier two vocabulary to keep them fully engaged from start to finish. We’re eager to see how each mischievous tale unfolds! 



In Maths, the Grade 3/4 students have been sharpening their skills in addition and subtraction. We’ve been exploring a variety of strategies to solve problems with confidence. From using number lines to help visualize our calculations, to mastering double and near doubles facts, we’ve made huge strides in understanding these key concepts. We’ve also been practicing partitioning, breaking down numbers to make solving easier and more efficient. It’s been exciting to see everyone grow and tackle these challenges with enthusiasm! 


Grade 5/6


Our Grade 6 students had a fantastic time meeting their new Foundationbuddies and working together on a fun "About Me" activity. It was lovely to see them forming connections, offering support, and guiding their younger peers with patience and enthusiasm. 

Both the Year 6 and Foundation students thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and it was a wonderful opportunity to foster friendship, leadership, and teamwork. We look forward to seeing these relationships grow throughout the year! 


Literacy - The War Horse  

Our Grade 5/6 students have been fully engaged in their writing Literacy Program, exploring 'The War Horse'. They have loved reading the novel together as a class. Over the last 2 weeks, they have focused on writing strong narrative introductions, using onomatopoeia and similes to make their writing more vivid. 

They have also learned how to add detail to sentences, experimenting with appositives and have practiced expanding their ideas to create more engaging introductions. 

It’s been great to see their creativity and enthusiasm as they develop their storytelling skills! 


Maths – Exploring DATA  

Students have been busy learning about dot plots and line graphs as part of their Maths Program. They have explored how to collect, display, and interpret data in a simple and visual way. 

Through these lessons, they have practiced finding the mode (the most common value), identifying and interpreting different types of data, and looking for patterns. These tasks help them think critically and develop important problem-solving skills. 


Burnside, Anglesea Camp  

There is a real buzz in the air as students eagerly await the upcoming Grade 5/6 Camp in Week 5! Everyone is looking forward to the adventures, challenges, and memories that await. We can’t wait to share all the wonderful experiences they will have during this exciting journey! Stay tuned!