
Sally Sparke, Heather Burke and Nicole Anderson
Sally Sparke, Heather Burke and Nicole Anderson


Welcome to 2025, we are looking forward to working with all students to continue to build the learning culture and ensure continued academic growth in this Jubilee year of Hope.


Working to embed learning culture where improvement work is the daily focus for both staff and students is an important part of McCarthy’s 2025 Annual Improvement Plan. We will continue to ensure the continued integration of literacy and numeracy in all subjects and support students to invest in, and drive, their own learning. Data will again inform the next steps for student learning.


Stage 6 Assessment Protocols

Stage 6 assessment protocols were recently outlined for students in both Year 11 and Year 12. These protocols are available on the Curriculum Website

and are based on NESA rules and procedures.  The presentation covered handing in assessments and what to do in the event of illness or misadventure. It is the responsibility of each student to know these procedures and follow them. Year 11 students have completed the ‘All My Own’ modules, which have helped them understand the assessment protocols.



The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 7, and 9 across Australia. It provides information on essential skills in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy. This information helps teachers in identifying areas for growth and ways we can effectively support student learning.


This year NAPLAN will be held from Wednesday, 12 March to Friday 14th March. During this time, students will complete short assessments covering reading, writing, language skills, and numeracy. 


How Can Parents Support Students for NAPLAN?

Parents play an important role in helping their children feel confident and prepared for NAPLAN. Here are some simple ways you can support your child:

  • Encourage a Positive Mindset: Talk about NAPLAN as a chance to show what they know rather than something to worry about.
  • Familiarise Without Pressure: If your child is curious, you can explore practice questions together on the NAP website, but there’s no need for extra tutoring or intense preparation.
  • Celebrate Effort: Remind your child that NAPLAN is just one part of their learning journey. Celebrate their hard work and progress.
  • Ensure their Chromebook is charged.


Student Data Collection

Students from Year 7-10 participated in eWrite, which is designed to give a snapshot of students' writing skills. Over the next few weeks, teachers will be exploring the data and using it to refine teaching strategies that will target areas for growth. Year 7 students also participated in PAT Reading and Numeracy tests, which their teachers will use to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.


Sally Sparke

Assistant Principal - Curriculum


Heather Burke

Leader of Pedagogy/Curriculum


Nicole Anderson

Leader of Pedagogy/Literacy Coach