2024 Tuition Fees

Please note: the College is unable to accept the following methods of payment:

EFT; card payments over the phone; QKR app.


Methods of payment now available are: 

Bpay (via online banking), paying directly through the parent portal in Compass, cash and card payments in the front office. Existing direct debits are still accepted (no new direct debits can be set up).


Quick steps to check your account balance in the Compass app:


home page


'more' menu (bottom right of screen)


'open in browser' tile 


payment centre, 'click here for more information' - you can see a quick balance on this flag also


'History' - transactions on account


This shows a list of transactions on your College account i.e. College fees, event payments, fee payments. 


If you have any questions relating to fees please contact the finance team to discuss on 6761 0800 (prompt 3).




Stephanie Briley

Cassie Gardiner

Administration Finance Team
