General Information

ADIG Bonus Saver Account
Check out our ADIG Bonus Saver Account—with no account fees and a bonus interest rate, on top of your base rate of interest (subject to meeting certain conditions), we can help you reach your financial goals.
Call ADIG now on:
Armidale: (02) 6772 8311
Tamworth: (02) 5776 8100
For more information, our current rates and a copy of our Terms and Conditions please visit our website.
For a copy of our disclosure statement, please see below.
Government regulations require that schools document all student absences with reasons e.g. illness, approved leave etc. Please provide the College with an explanation of your child’s absence within seven days by way of a letter upon their return or a phone call (phone: 6761 0801) on the day of their absence. Attendance notes can also be entered in Compass. Follow-up text messages will be forwarded to parents/guardians seeking explanation if this has not been provided. It is very important that students attend Mentor Group for roll marking or sign in via the office if they are late to school (after 8:45am). If a response to the text has not been received within seven days, the absence will remain as unexplained and will NOT be able to be changed. Alternatively you can email absentees to
Attendances - Leave
As per government requirements, if a student is going to be absent from College for five days or more for a sporting/extra-curricular activity, an "Application for Exemption from Attendance" form must be completed and returned to the office before the event. For all other leave of ten days or more, an “Application for Leave'' form must be completed and returned prior to the leave taking place. These forms are available from the office.
Permission Validation
If someone other than a parent is collecting and signing a student out from the school, a written note or email is required from the responsible parent/carer. Please address notes or emails to the College Office on
Students Late for School
The bell for the beginning of school goes at 8:45am. Students who arrive after this time need to attend the College Office to be signed in. Parents need to bring late students to the office and sign them in or provide the student with a written note, enter on Compass, send an email to, or call attendance on 02 67610800.
Bus Advice from Transport NSW
Hours of Supervision
The playground will be supervised from 8:30am. School hours are 8:45am – 3:00pm. After school, students will be supervised in the bus bay area until the last bus leaves.
Leadership Team
Principal - Michael Whitton
Assistant Principals - Sally Sparke and Mick Larkin
Leader of Mission - Cate Allen
Leader of Pedagogy (Curriculum) - Heather Burke
Leader of Pedagogy (Literacy) - Nicole Anderson
Leader of Student Wellbeing - Sharon Stuart
The 2024 Pastoral Care Team
Leader of Student Care Siena House - Fiona O'Neill
Leader of Student Care Mackillop House - Melissa Bearup
Leader of Student Care Dominic House - Ashleigh Jones
Leader of Student Care Rice House - Dane Kelly
Leader of Student Care Chisholm House - Melissa Lees
Leader of Student Care Assisi House - Jonathan Dean
College Psychologists - Tamara Shoemark and Aimee Cook
Leaders of Learning
Creative Arts and Languages - Robert Thompson
English - Mel Carr
HSIE - Louise Vella
Mathematics - Timothy Godden
PDHPE - Stephanie Halpin
RE - Cate Allen
Science - James Vella
Technology - Jonathan Vencore
Careers/Vet/Transition - Shane Vesey-Wells
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