Environmental Group


The Environmental Council resumes for 2025. Though there are many current projects, the main one is the 10c Earn and Return program currently run at the school. The money raised goes towards projects run by St Vincent De Paul, which are supporting families in the local community.


Last year, our school community managed to fill two 120 L bins every two weeks. These bins are shown in the picture. This year the aim is to fill three bins every two weeks. The Return and Earn centre in Taminda collects and processes these bins. 


The Environmental Council asks every student to place the 10c containers in the five collection bins located around the school. These bins are located in the Quad, top side of the oval, behind the Cultural Centre, Canteen and Rosary. These are marked and are shown in the pictures.


Unfortunately, some students do place rubbish in these bins. This makes it difficult for the Environmental Council volunteers to collect the 10c Earn and Return containers. Each Thursday, students check the 10c bins and empty them into the Blue bins, which are then sent away for the collection.


We ask that we all work together to collect the 10c containers and not place rubbish in these bins. I encourage everyone to help ensure rubbish is not placed in these bins. CAN YOU HELP?


The Environmental Council will also resume the school paper recycling. Volunteers collect the paper recycle bins located in the classrooms and empty them in the yellow bins. These are sent to the Tamworth Recycling Centre. The paper recycle bins and a 10c bin are located on the steps outside the staffroom. I ask that rubbish is not placed in these bins.


The Environmental Council is looking for more volunteers, especially to continue the environmental work currently occurring along the creek. The Environmental Council meets every Thursday, second break, in Lab 1. If you are willing to help, please join the Environmental Council. 


Shaun Nichols

Environmental Council