President: Megan Mallett    

Vice President: Margaret Francis    

Secretary: Mel Doherty  

Treasurer: Mary Molloy 

Uniform Shop: Denise Tom

Second Hand Uniform Online Order Link


Tickets to events and the second-hand uniform shop can be found on our website:   



PIC Meeting

Please join us next Tuesday, 18 February at 6:15pm in the staff room, for our first PIC Meeting of the year. Come and find out what we do and how you can get involved with our events to support the school community. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re currently involved in the PIC or not (yet!).


New Families Welcome Evening

To all new families in our school community, please join us for a welcome evening at 7:30pm on Friday, 21 February at The Alleyway. Meet other new/Prep St John’s parents, over drinks and a canape dinner. Tickets are available now on the PIC website.

Shrove Tuesday Pancakes

We are looking for volunteers to assist with Shrove Tuesday. Please reach out if you can help with preparations the evening before (Monday, 3 March) or on Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday, 4 March). Volunteers will be required from 7:30am until approximately 1:30pm on Shrove Tuesday. If you are able to help for some or all of the activities, please reach out to Megan or Danni (picstjohnsheidelberg@gmail.com) or the school office.  


PIC Uniform Shop

Thank you to everyone who donated and bought uniform items last week. It was a very successful sale, raising more than $400 for the school. The online uniform shop is re-open, and stock is regularly being updated as we receive items, so check back often.


Fundraising Update

Each year, the PIC Community comes together to raise funds for the school, helping to provide both essential and enriching resources both in the classroom and in the school yard. We are currently working with Alison to compile a wish list of items from teachers and students that we can fundraise for. Stay tuned for updates on our progress!


Questions, feedback or ideas? Contact us on picstjohnsheidelberg@gmail.com  

Tues 18 Feb 6:30pm

PIC Meeting

Everyone welcome


Fri 21 Feb

New Families Welcome Evening

Buy your tickets here

Tues 4 March

Shrove Tuesday

If you are able to help with preparation the night before and/or on the day, please get in touch.

Please note the Movie Night originally scheduled for Friday, 14 March has been postponed. We will look to see if it can be organised for later in the year.