OSHClub News

Welcome to 2025 and ST JOHNS OSHCLUB 

We are so happy to see you all again as well as welcoming our new Prep families and other families who are joining the school community this year.  What a way to start a new year but with a Heat Wave!  Just as well that we have a great air conditioner, fabulous tasty menu and some cool activities.


A couple of housekeeping tasks to perform first.  If you have changed addresses or any details please remember to update your details via the parent portal. Accurate contact details are essential should a child become unwell and parents need to be contacted.


If your child has a medical condition eg Asthma, Anaphylaxis etc PLEASE provide an updated medical management plan and ensure that you have also completed a new Risk Minimisation Form.  Any Medications kept on site that are out of date must also be replaced and be returned to us in their original packaging with orginial pharmacy label clearly stating the child's name.


If your child attends an extracurricular activity that requires them to leave OSHClub to attend we will need you to complete a Permission Form. Forms need to be updated annually, even if you have had a form previously we will require that these be redone as details may have changed eg. times, providers, days etc.  Without these we are unable to release your child to such activities.


Hats and sunscreen are required for outside play during Terms 1 and 4.  Please ensure that your child has a sunsmart hat (covers ears and back of neck) packed in their bag for use at OSHClub as we believe that school hats are to remain in the classrooms for use at school.


Operating hours of the service are:

Rise then Shine (Before School Care) - 6:45am - 8:45am

Stay and Play (After School Care) - 3:20am - 6:00pm sharp

We look forward to a lasting happy relationship between your family and our staff.  Should you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us on 0401 333 932.