Debating Team

EMC Year 9 Debating Team’s Unbelievable Journey to the Semi-Finals.
The EMC Year 9 Debating Team has left an extraordinary mark in the Debating Association of Victoria (DAV) Schools Debating Competition, making it all the way to the semi-finals in a journey that few could have predicted.
The team — Caitlin Amery, Sophia Butrev, and Jack Boyle — showed incredible dedication and teamwork, becoming not only the first-ever debate team at EMC, but the first ever debate team to achieve such success.
Their journey began with a strong win in the overall Mount Eliza regional competition, followed by victories in the playoff, octo-finals, and quarter-finals. The quarter-final was a standout moment, as the team went head-to-head with Ballarat and Clarendon College, the top VCE school in Victoria, and emerged victorious, winning by a very convincing three points. The team’s momentum carried them to the semi-finals, where they faced Melbourne Grammar in a nail-biting debate, ultimately losing by just one point.
The road to the semi-finals was hard work, but the team’s commitment was unwavering. They spent countless hours meeting after school, at lunch, and during recess, refining arguments, practising speeches, and building their debating skills. Over the course of 9 rounds, each team member was awarded Best Speaker at least once — a testament to their individual growth and collective success.
The team was expertly coached by School Captain Lachlan Culton and teacher Chantal Moloney, who provided invaluable support and guidance throughout the competition. Their coaching helped the team navigate the highs and lows of the competition, from creating moments of hysterical laughter in an attempt to combat relentless nerves, to helping rewrite an argument the night before a debate.
Beyond the competition, the team also built lasting friendships and gained invaluable skills in critical thinking, writing, and public speaking. They travelled to prestigious schools like Peninsula Grammar, Xavier College, Loreto Mandeville Hall, and of course Melbourne Grammar, knocking off almost all of the schools they faced and representing EMC with pride while gaining confidence along the way.
Though the team’s journey ended in the semi-finals, their achievement is something to be incredibly proud of. They proved that with hard work, teamwork, and a ‘laugh so you don’t cry’ attitude, anything is possible. A huge thank you to everyone who supported them along the way — this experience is one they’ll never forget, and it has set a high bar for future debaters at EMC.