Principal Message

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,
I am taking this opportunity to write to you as Assistant Principal for Senior School, a position I have held in the college since early Term 2 2024. In my role I will be leading and supporting the college in continuing to build a culture of high performance and aspiration in the Senior School. In addition, I am leading improved classroom practices in line with the ‘School Strategic Plan’. It has been my privilege to lead the Senior School for much of this year and I look forward to our students continuing to demonstrate academic growth and outstanding outcomes next year and beyond.
We have recently seen our Year 12 students complete the final component of their VCE studies by completing their final examinations. In the run up to the examinations the students were demonstrating exemplary study habits and routines, whilst checking in with teachers for feedback so they could improve their work. It was impossible not to admire the determination and hard work of the students, and we look forward to them being rewarded for the efforts made. Prior to that, Vocational Major students were putting the final touches to their studies. Once again, the approach of the students was exemplary, and we look forward to seeing all your Year 12 students and parents at Valedictory on Wednesday December 4 to celebrate their journey as a student at Elisabeth Murdoch College.
We are now fully into the ‘Step Up’ phase of the term and have started teaching the students new knowledge and skills as part of their new subjects and courses. We have communicated with all students new to Year 10, 11 and 12 the importance of keeping on top of the subject demands by completing work and study in school (in study sessions as a Year 12 student or in timetabled ‘Study Hall’ as a Year 10 or 11 student), as well as outside of school. All year groups in Senior School have been able to celebrate the efforts of their peers in the Awards Assemblies that have taken place recently, and we hope that all students are inspired by the success of others to achieve their very best.
In between completing necessary activities as part of their preparation for the start of 2025, we wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable break from timetabled classes and look forward to much learning in 2025.
Take care and kind regards,
Mr Ian Price
Assistant Principal.
Senior School.