Junior School News

Prep J

1/2 R

1/2 D

                     1/2 MC
PE - Monday

PE - Tuesday

Class Sport - Friday

PE - Tuesday

Class Sport - Thursday 

PE - Thursday

Class Sport - Friday



English - Prep students have enjoyed writing recounts about their weekends and are focusing on including detail in their sentences, by using verbs and adjectives to create interest. Preps have enjoyed reading narratives and describing the characters by comparing and contrasting.


Maths -Over the last fortnight students have explored the concepts of multiplication and division by using sharing into equal groups and repeated addition. They have also enjoyed learning about informal measurement and have welcomed opportunities to measure the length of different objects.


InquiRE - Prep students are learning about the church and the sacred symbols that are found in church, including candles, Bible, tabernacle, statues etc. They have been learning to recite the Our Father and what it means to give a prayer of thanks. 


SEL - There is a continued focus on respect and building positive relationships. Prep students have participated in different role play scenarios to gain greater meaning of what these qualities look like.


Grandparents and Special Friends Day!

We had such a beautiful morning with our Grandparents and special friends. Thank you to everyone involved in the morning tea, Mass and Book Fair!

1/2 Maths

In Year 1 & 2, we are focussing on Location and Direction! We created our own maps and our partners used directions to help us get to X marks the spot!


Remembrance Day 

All OLGC students gathered in the atrium on Monday at 11am for a minute silence and reflection about Remembrance Day.

Developmental Play

To ensure our Prep students are adequately prepared to move into Grade 1, we have been integrating the Prep, 1 and 2 classes throughout the week and as a result, students have made friends and got to know their peers across the junior cohort. 


Term 4 Swimming program: 

In Week 9 (December 2nd-6th) OLGC will partake in our annual swimming program. Although this seems far away, it will be here in no time so it is really important that students are prepared. Please set your child up for success by helping them practice getting dressed into their swimming gear, back out of it and into their school uniform INDEPENDENTLY. They will be required to do this the entire week. Please also ensure ALL items are labelled clearly with your child's name. As you can imagine, there will be lots of different pieces of clothing everywhere and we want to make this experience as smooth and stress free as possible for our students. Thank you with your support in this. 



Parent - Teacher Communication

1/2 R- irachele@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au

1/2 D- doconhurir@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au

1/2 MC- fclifford@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Monday & Tuesday) gmontalto@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)

Prep J- bjackson@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au