Sustainability @ TPPS

On November 1 our Grade 3-6 Sustainability Representatives attended the annual Lead to Sustain Conference at Currawong Bush Park. School students from all over the area came along to share ideas about sustainability. It was a great day!
Here are some reflections from our fantastic students:
We liked the waterbugs. We had to use a special kind of syringe to pick them up and squirt them into the ice cube tray. We could look through a magnifying glass to see what kind they were.
One funny activity was when we had to make frog noises. We learned about which frogs were more adaptable to urbanisation. If we have cleaner water, there will be more frog life in our cities.
An alarming moment was when a sugar glider pooped near our feet. All the animals were cool.
By Alex T and Mark P Grade 6
We went on a guided bushwalk and the leader talked about First Nations culture and traditions. We learned about which plants they used for different purposes. Examples were using mint for tea, using reeds for straws and making blankets out of possum fur, which they kept for their whole life.
In another activity we planted sunflower seeds in a newspaper pot.
The Lead to Sustain conference was amazing since we learned loads of new things and did lots of activities.
By Simon T, Caitlyn S and Tran N Grade 6
We liked the minibeasts activity. There was a tarantula, a giant centipede, 11 -legged sea star, giant cockroach, giant millipedes, a scorpion, spiny leaf insect, sea slug, spider crab, elephant snail. We were allowed to hold the safe creatures that didn’t bite or sting.
One fun craft was making bee hotels out of recycled tin cans and recycled stickers. We learned that they are not for sleeping in, they are for laying eggs in.
It felt like a great day because we learned about all the ways we can be sustainable. And it was tiring!
By Laylah E and Nicholas V Grade 3
On Friday we went to a once in a lifetime amazing experience at the Lead to Sustain conference. I loved seeing the Eastern Bettong which was like a tiny wallaby with a possum face.
We were allowed to touch its fur which was so soft between my fingers.
We saw a performance by a band called the Junkyard Beats. They played percussion on recycled materials, and we got to use buckets and drumsticks, bucket lids and bottles filled with sand to play along with them.
It was almost deafening, and I nearly lost my hearing, but I loved it.
The performers also did breathtaking juggling tricks!
By Mia P Grade 4
Grade 3 students tested each other on common birds of Templestowe this week. They are learning to identify Australian magpies, common mynas, noisy miners, masked lapwings, laughing kookaburras, Australian ravens, rainbow lorikeets and red wattlebirds.
Our Grade 4s did a mini study on air pollution and played a fun game to test their knowledge of the different types and causes of unhealthy air. We found out that a lot of air pollution is caused by using fossil fuels. We can cut down our use of these fuels by walking or riding a bike and remembering to turn off the lights and the split systems when we leave the room.
Our caring Grade 4 students laid a brick foundation for the chicken feeder to stop hay and dirt from getting into their food. We are very proud of our efforts and Blossom can’t take her eyes off our amazing work!