
Congratulations to all of our award recipients! 


Week 5Week 6

FAS - Olive T

For your excitement towards learning. Olive, it was a pleasure reading your first creative writing piece.

FAS - Ashwika P

For always being a respectful listener and trying your best. Ashwika, you are a star!

JCP - Frankie B

For your very imaginative story about Dr. Poopy-Pants. It made me laugh. Well done. 

JCP - Emma S

Your focus and dedication during instruction and learning time consistently result in showcasing your personal best. Well done. 

JMM - Lucy M

For your outstanding effort in maths when solving division problems!

JMM - Nico B

For always being willing to help around the classroom.

JRS - Hana J

For being such a happy, encouraging and friendly student in our class.

JRS -   Blaise T

For the fantastic way you have been able to adapt back into our classroom routines. 

MLM - Max Y

For being a star writer and improving his use of punctuation. 

MLM -  Rhubi P

For her excellent attitude towards Ball Games and team work. Your basketball relay skills were excellent.

MPO - Imani S

For your great idea development in writing.

MPO -  Joshua F

For being an outstanding official in our Ball Games practice.

SRW - Aya C

For being a shining example of hard work, acceptance, empathy and kindness. Thank you.

SRW -  Kyle H

For the kindness you show towards others.

SLC - Leo N

For showing confidence in solving a range of fraction equations.

SLC - Ella P

For your fantastic persuasive writing in our class debates and convincing us that Twitter should be illegal. 


Student Birthdays

We would like to say a BIG Happy Birthday to the following students who have celebrated their birthdays recently ....  

We hope you had an AMAZING day! 


Henil P - SLC

Ashwika P - FAS

Jumana A - MPO

Jereme R - SRW

Declan D - SRW

Clay H - FAS

Sonny L - MLM

Nina H - SLM

Liam S - MPO

Jesse R - SLM

Jabez M - JMM

Paras N - MPO

Maya M - FAS