Principal Report

Year 12 Classes finished!

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 who finished their final classes earlier this term. The final celebration day was in alignment with a strong tradition at our College of respectful celebrations and I want to congratulate each of our students for their conduct. A full school assembly and a trip to Gumbuya World provided a perfect day to see off our Year 12s. Our VCE cohort are currently undertaking exams, and we look forward to their                                                               Valedictory evening on Friday 13th December.

School Strategic Plan

Following our School Review last term, I am pleased to provide a further update on the draft Goals and Key Improvement Strategies for our next Strategic Plan.


Please find below a table that summarises our key goals.

As we begin to plan the rollout of our next Strategic Plan, we welcome any feedback or comments you have in regard to our next Strategic Plan. Please email with any feedback. 

Rollover 2025

Rollover 2025 is fast approaching. As you will be aware, we begin 2025 classes for a two-week period (25/11 – 6/12). This period of time allows students to experience their new classes for 2025 and to be introduced to their new teachers. Our teacher recruitment and timetable preparations for 2025 have been going extremely well and I look forward to the coming year.

Entering School Grounds 

Visitor entry to the school grounds at any time of the day is strictly via our front reception.


ALL visitors to the College, including parents, siblings, contractors, etc, are required to sign in via the front office.


Please also note that school buildings are not accessible outside of school hours. This is due to the risk of falls to the school community if individuals choose to climb on a school building. Please find a link to the Department of Education’s Trespass Policy