Principal's Press

Principal’s Press
Staff Movements 2025
We have several staff leaving us at the end of the year and some new staff starting in 2025. At this stage, we are fully staffed for Kindergarten to Year 12 2025 which is a significant blessing from God given the current teaching shortage that is being felt around the nation. We are incredibly grateful for this. Below is the list of staff that are leaving us this year, next newsletter I will introduce the new staff that will be joining us next year. There will be opportunities at the various presentation events to farewell these staff more formally as a community.
- Lisa Dumicich: Lisa has stepped into the College this year to give the Board some additional time to find a permanent Principal. She is moving back to Melbourne to be with her family and commence a new role there.
- Paul Wallace: Paul has very capably led our HSIE team in the Secondary area over a number of years and has taught across the Secondary School. He is moving to Sydney to be closer to family, we wish Paul well in his future endeavours.
- Ali Owers: Ali has had several roles in her time across the College including Classroom Teacher, Library, Sports Admin and most recently heading up our Preschool. She is leaving the College to pursue new opportunities in the Community Services sector.
- Jane Baldwin: Jane is a long-serving member of the Primary team who is loved and respected by all. She is retiring at the end of the year and plans to take a break and be with her family before pursuing some other interests.
- Rathanam Fraser: Rathanam is a valued member of the Primary team who has a wonderful reputation as a great teacher. She is leaving at the end of the year to take up a new educational challenge
- Dawn Poulos: Dawn finished up with the College at the start of the term after many years of excellent service as a Primary teacher. Dawn is moving interstate to be closer to family
- Maddi Hewson: Maddy is one of our valued Primary SLSOs and OOSH workers. She is moving from Wagga at the end of the year to start life with her new husband.
- Shad Hynes: Shad is a valued member of our SLSO Primary team and has worked in our OOSH service. He is moving back to Sydney to be closer to his family.
- Angela McGill: Angela is one of our beautiful Administration team at the College and I am sure many of you have been blessed by her warmth when you call or drop into the office. Angela has finished at the College and is commencing a new role.
- Ian Wilson: Ian is one of our much-loved Secondary SLSOs and our Cootamundra bus driver. Ian has retired and is looking forward to spending more time with family.
- Amanda Martinez and Sarah Gregor: Amanda and Sarah are both going on maternity leave next year and we pray God’s blessings on them as they welcome their beautiful babies into the world.
Year 12 Formal
The Year 12 formal was held on Thursday evening at the Magpies Nest and was a wonderful celebration of our Year 12 cohort. They all dressed up to the nines and danced the night away! We received some incredibly positive feedback from Magpies Nest about the conduct of our young people and the organisation of the event. A huge thank you to all involved.
Step Up and Orientation Day
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Kindergarten and Year 7 students and families to the College on Wednesday and students joining us in other year groups. There will be a morning tea for all new families in the TLA at 9:10am and a presentation to Kindergarten families commencing from 10am.