Student learning around KPS

Grades 1and 2
Grades One and Two enjoyed 'How To' day.
We have been learning about procedural writing and to celebrate, the students rotated to each grade 1/2 teacher for 45 minutes and created something different by following the instructions!
Mrs Steele = kites
Mrs Renehan = chatterboxes
Mrs Lowe = Mindfulness jars
Mrs Boulton = biscuit faces
Mrs Henderson = paper planes
Grades 5 and 6
This term, Grade 5 students have undertaken a narrative writing unit where we have explored engaging the reader through using varying sentence types.
Additionally, we have explored creating characters, using expressive vocabulary and the skill of ‘show don’t tell’ in our writing. The students have been gaining more confidence to share their work with their peers on our ‘authors chair’, as pictured below.
We are all so proud of how hard they’ve worked on their final pieces.
Well done Grade fives!
The Grade 5s have been working on division. The students have explored the connection between multiplication and division by using arrays and fact families. They have been learning to apply different strategies such as estimation, partitioning, fact families, repeated subtraction, repeated addition and long division to solve division problems. These think mats demonstrate their selection and comparison of division strategies.
Here are the Dash bots the junior school have been learning to code with. As you can see, there is a lot going on and several bot collisions but overall tonnes of fun!