Girls in STEM - Geelong Tech School
We had a large group of 23 girls attend our Girls in STEM challenge. They worked alongside other schools in competing in various STEM challenges including game coding, 3D printing, building a Rube Goldberg machine, designing a tower for an earthquake challenge. They had fun and had the chance to talk and listen to other women in science talk about their chosen professions and how to navigate future study pathways. All had a group photo at the end and we even had lunch provided! Win win.
Jenny Jerbic, Science Teacher
Deakin Manu Futures Science & Engineering Challenge
Students were involved in an exciting day, competing against other schools in fun and engaging hands-on activities.
Book week
At least 200 students visited the Library during Book Week; many of you participated in or observed the lunch activities. Thank you for popping in to see what all the fuss was about!
This year’s Book Week theme was Read, Inspire and Grow, and students were definitely READING new things, were INSPIRED by the dress ups and GREW the library community as well as themselves as readers.
99 Word Story Tsunami by Mikayla Brian, 8A
Marvel Quiz Izik Burgess, 7G
Match the Book Title to the Teacher Tia Samphanh, 10C (assisted by Angus Edge, 10E)
Wacky Wednesday Silly Walk Lissy Huismann, 7B
Scavenger Hunt Kyra Lawson, 7D
Maze Hunt Sav Nicholson, 10D.
Thank you, Mrs. Burville, for the fantastic displays and cupcakes. Thank you Ms. Walker and students for making the 3-D Whomping Tree from Harry Potter. Thank you, Librarian Kathryn Mulqueeney from the GRLC, for the book bag activity. Thank you, Leaders (Ben, Cooper and team), for announcements over the PA. Thank you teachers and support staff for promoting Book Week!
Make sure you continue to pop into your library and offer suggestions about what you would like to see and do. Everyone is welcome!
Ms. Choong, Library.
Canteen orders
A reminder that the Canteen will be ORDER ONLY for all main food items, such as salad rolls, sausage rolls, schnitzel burgers etc. The first 10 minutes of recess and lunch will be allocated to collection of food orders only. The canteen will then be open for any additional purchases of drinks, snack items, yogurts, sugar-free icy poles, sorbet etc.
Canteen Menu Term 3
Lids4Kids - Canteen Collection
Our Canteen is collecting lids and bread tags for the program Lids4Kids. The program aims to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious school through recycling. You can read more about the non-for-profit project on their website. If you have any lids or bread tags similar to the ones pictured please hand them in to our friendly canteen staff.
The canteen would like to say a special shout out to Daniel Walsh from Year 12. Daniel dropped in a bag of plastic lids for them as part of their recycle program. The Canteen have given him a canteen voucher as a token of their appreciation.