MECS Notes

Employment Opportunity at MECS
2024 Kindergarten Director
Mount Evelyn Christian School is seeking a Part Time (0.60 FTE) Kindergarten Director. This role could also incorporate casual relief teaching work for the other two days per week. The successful applicant will lead a strong and committed team of educators and support staff. This position will commence at the beginning of the 2024 school year.
Full details can be found at
Applications close: Thursday, 7 September 2023, 3pm
Congratulations to our latest MECS Ph.D Candidates
Asha Steer (Class of '15) will be carrying out research on 'Indigenous Australian people, Sport and Education: disrupting the deficit narratives'. This will be done through the Faculty of Arts, School of Culture and Communication of The University of Melbourne. Asher will be supported by a Melbourne Research Scholarship which covers her student fees and provides a living allowance for 3.5 years. Asher is a proud indigenous woman with Barkandji heritage and will be the second MECS student after Dr Liam Campbell (MECS VCE 1991) to gain a Ph.D. in Australian indigenous studies.
Corey McCabe (Class of '14) was one of two postgraduate students shortlisted for the 2022 Australasian Association of Philosophy post-graduate presentation prize. This was awarded for the best paper presented by a postgraduate student at their annual conference. Corey has an MA in International Relations and a BA (Hons) in Politics and Philosophy from The University of Melbourne. The working title of his Ph.D. thesis is currently 'From Duty to Democracy: Participation and Politics'. It seeks to problematise existing accounts of the relationship between citizens and the law, and explore the implications of that for how we think about the democratic state. He will be carrying out this research in the school of Philosophy at the Australian National University in Canberra and will be supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship. Corey will also be the second MECS student after Dr Robert Simpson (Class of '99) to gain a doctorate in Philosophy (actually D.Phil. from Oxford University).
We are delighted that these two former students have been given this opportunity to explore God’s world in depth and we pray that the insights gained will be salt and light in our society.
Dr Roger Fernando
MECS Teacher Retired
Second Busy Bees Playgroup
We are very excited to announce a second Busy Bees Playgroup!
Jemma, our Coordinator will be facilitating the group on Tuesdays 9:30am - 11am in the Piazza. This started Tuesday 1st August.
We have a few places left so if you are interested in joining, please be in touch with Lauren at the Main Office for an enrolment form.