Focus on...

Junior Secondary Health Curriculum

Being a teenager is a wild ride. It's a time of intense self-discovery, forming connections, and facing new emotions. With a quest for independence and a backdrop of change, it's about navigating challenges, exploring passions, and forming a foundation for the future.


Our Health classes in Junior Secondary aim to help students navigate these changes and decisions by fostering an environment where students learn to make choices aligned with their faith principles. Addressing topics like mental health, respectful relationships, and responsible decision-making, our curriculum is underpinned by the notion of Proverbs 3:5-6—a call to lean not on one's own understanding, but to trust in the Lord's guidance. Our goal is to empower students to become ethical and thoughtful individuals, capable of navigating life's complexities with grace and resilience.


Students in Year 7 learn how to navigate the complexities of high school, explore their own values and their external influences, learn about the amazing (and awkward) changes that happen to the bodies during puberty, and investigate their roles as cyber citizens.


In Year 8, students investigate strategies to support positive mental health, including positive coping skills, problem solving, managing stress and emotional literacy. They learn about reproductive systems and pregnancy, maintaining respectful relationships and using their giftings in service to others.


Year 9 students investigate ways that nutrition and healthy eating can nourish our bodies. They learn to make informed and responsible decisions around drugs, alcohol and other risk-taking behaviours, discuss God’s intention for sex and relationships and explore how they can assist in developing supportive, inclusive communities both in their lives and online.


As partners in your child's educational journey, we encourage you to foster a supportive environment at home for meaningful discussions about the topics covered in the Health curriculum. Even when it may not feel like it, your guidance and insights play a pivotal role in shaping your child’s values, understandings and appreciation of these essential life skills.


Hayley Voorzaat

Secondary Teacher